Our Imam, a psychology and communications major from UC Davis, began leading at age 18, when he got a call from the founding members gently insisting he come to lead our Ramadan prayers when BMCC was first established. He was born and raised in Corvallis, Oregon, and lives in Brentwood. Our Imam’s focus here is counseling, to reach out to the people.
For the past several years, we have held a booth at the Brentwood Farmers’ Market. You can’t miss us; we are right on the corner. We hand out pamphlets and Qurans, as well as give information. Our goal is to show people that we are a part of the community, give them the opportunity to clear up their misconceptions and ask the questions that are on their mind. Our Imam believes the source of misunderstanding is often misinformation and feels the current political climate has had some interesting effects. More than anything, it just changes the atmosphere, but in reality, life goes on as usual. People who were hateful before remain that way and feel a little more empowered, but on the other hand, people have been much more willing to be supportive of us.
Within the 300 families at BMCC, jobs range from Google and Apple employees to minimum wage earners. Our nationalities are equally as varied, but their message is unified. The only thing that brings us all together is God, the creator of the universe. Our doors are open to everyone, and we encourage questions too.
Currently the Masjid and Community Center has facilities for performing all prayers in congregation, weekend Islamic school, charity distribution, dawa programs, weekly halaqa, daily hafiz programs, Friday family nights, daily children and adult Quranic studies, weekend school, and a full time private Islamic school.